
1. **祛风除湿**:松根能够祛除体内风邪和湿气,对于风湿痹痛有显著的治疗作用。


2. **活血止血**:松根有活血化瘀的功效,同时也能止血,对于跌打损伤、吐血等症状有一定的治疗作用。

3. **活络止痛**:松根有助于疏通经络,减轻疼痛。

4. **治疗风湿痹痛**:适用于因风湿引起的关节疼痛、肢体麻木等症状。

5. **缓解风疹瘙痒**:对于皮肤瘙痒、风疹等症状有一定的缓解作用。

6. **治疗白带**:对于女性白带异常有一定的治疗作用。

7. **缓解咳嗽**:松根煎水饮用,对于咳嗽有一定的缓解效果。

8. **治疗跌打吐血**:适用于跌打损伤引起的出血症状。

9. **治疗风虫牙痛**:适用于风虫引起的牙痛。


– **内服**:煎汤,用量为30-60克。也可将松根与白酒混合煎煮后服用。
– **外用**:适量鲜品捣敷,或煎水洗。




1. **淡化色斑**:杏红被认为具有淡化色斑的功效,特别是对于雀斑有较好的治疗效果。它能够帮助改善皮肤色泽,减少色斑的明显度。

2. **改善皮肤状况**:杏红可以通过调节内分泌,帮助改善皮肤状况,对于由内分泌失调引起的色斑有调节作用。



3. **对抗紫外线**:杏红可以帮助皮肤抵御紫外线的影响,减少紫外线照射后黑色素的形成,从而有助于色斑的改善。

4. **使用方法**:杏红通常可以捣烂后与鸡蛋清混合,作为外敷使用。具体方法是将杏红捣烂,加入适量的鸡蛋清调匀,每晚睡前涂抹于患处,次日清晨用白酒洗净,直至斑点消退。

5. **个体差异**:由于每个人的肤质和病情不同,杏红的治疗效果可能会有所差异。因此,在使用时需要根据个人情况调整使用方法,并严格按照医嘱用药。

6. **注意事项**:在使用杏红治疗雀斑的同时,患者应改善饮食习惯,养成良好的生活习惯,并避免紫外线直射,以增强治疗效果。




1. **补虚健胃**:木瓜和鸡脚都含有丰富的营养成分,能够帮助调理身体虚弱、胃部不适等问题,对消化不良、食欲不振有一定的改善作用。

2. **强筋健骨**:鸡脚富含胶原蛋白和钙质,有助于增强骨骼和关节的健康,对于筋骨软弱、骨质疏松的人群尤其有益。


3. **润肤养颜**:木瓜含有丰富的维生素C和酶类物质,有助于提高皮肤弹性,减少皱纹,预防皮肤干燥,具有美容养颜的功效。

4. **保护血管健康**:木瓜中的营养成分有助于软化血管,保证血管的健康,同时鸡脚中的钙质也有助于降低人体中的血脂和胆固醇含量。

5. **增强免疫力**:木瓜和鸡脚都含有多种微量元素和维生素,能够增强机体免疫力,提高抗病能力。

6. **补脾健胃**:木瓜和鸡脚都有助于改善脾胃虚弱所引起的食欲不振和消化不良等症状。

7. **预防疾病**:木瓜中的营养成分和酶类物质有助于预防某些疾病,如便秘和消化不良。


– 缺奶的产妇


– 萎缩性胃炎患者
– 肥胖患者
– 过敏体质者
– 体寒湿滞者
– 患有血栓或血黏度高者



1. **养生保健**:许多木制手串被认为具有养生功效。例如,小叶紫檀手串有助于调节气血、安神助眠、预防皱纹,对心肾肝肠胃有调节作用;海南黄花梨手串能缓解风湿腰痛、高血压、胃痛;红豆杉手串则有防癌、消炎、提高免疫力的功效。


2. **装饰美观**:木制手串因其独特的材质、色泽和纹理,能够作为饰品增添个人魅力。不同种类的木制手串具有不同的外观特点,能够满足不同人群的审美需求。

3. **调节情绪**:一些木制手串散发出的天然香气被认为具有舒缓情绪、提神醒脑的作用。例如,檀香木手串可以安抚神经,减轻压力。

4. **文化传承**:木制手串往往承载着一定的文化内涵,是传承和弘扬传统文化的一种方式。例如,檀香紫檀曾为宫廷御用,象征着权力和地位。

5. **风水吉祥**:一些木制手串被认为具有驱邪避凶、招财纳福的作用。如金丝楠木手串被认为是招财纳福的吉祥物。

6. **宗教信仰**:对于信众来说,木制手串可以作为一种宗教信仰的象征。例如,沉香手串在世界五大宗教中都被认为是珍宝,具有清人神、补五脏等功效。

7. **促进血液循环**:佩戴木制手串时,手指与手串珠子之间的摩擦可以促进血液循环,有助于身体健康。

8. **收藏价值**:一些名贵木材制成的手串,如小叶紫檀、海南黄花梨等,具有较高的收藏价值。




1. **营养价值高:** 春笋含有丰富的水分、植物蛋白、钙、磷、铁等人体必需的营养成分和微量元素。尤其是纤维素含量高,对消化系统健康有益。

2. **促进消化:** 春笋中的纤维素能促进肠道蠕动,帮助消化,对缓解便秘有积极作用。

3. **减肥减脂:** 春笋低脂肪、低热量、多纤维素,适合减肥人群食用。

4. **提高免疫力:** 春笋中的营养成分如蛋白质、维生素等有助于增强人体的免疫功能。

5. **健脾开胃:** 春笋特有的芳香能促进食欲,有助于消化不良和胃脘痞满等症状。


6. **祛毒祛痰:** 春笋性寒,适合清热去火,对咳嗽有痰的病人有辅助治疗作用。

7. **静心排热:** 春笋被称为身体废弃物的清洗剂,对夏季心烦意乱、手足心热等症状有辅助治疗作用。

8. **降低“三高”:** 春笋低糖、低热量,富含纤维,有助于降低血压、血脂、血糖,预防心血管疾病。


9. **润肠通便:** 春笋富含膳食纤维,能增加肠道水分,促进肠道蠕动,减少便秘风险。


1. **对肾脏的影响:** 春笋中含有较多的草酸,过多摄入可能影响钙的吸收,增加泌尿系统结石的风险。

2. **过敏反应:** 少数人可能对春笋过敏,食用后可能出现皮肤瘙痒、腹泻等症状。


3. **消化不良:** 对于消化系统较弱的人群,过多食用春笋可能导致消化不良。



1. **调节肠道菌群**:纳豆中含有大量的活纳豆菌,这些有益菌可以调节肠道菌群平衡,有助于预防肠道疾病,如痢疾、肠炎和便秘。


2. **润肠通便**:纳豆中的粘性物质具有水溶性膳食纤维的特性,能吸收肠道内的大量水分,从而起到润肠通便的效果。


3. **调节血糖**:纳豆中的纳豆菌可以吞噬葡萄糖和粘性物质,同时纳豆中的高弹性蛋白酶能抑制血糖增加,有助于降低血糖。

4. **预防高血压**:纳豆中的纳豆菌、纳豆激酶、小肽、氨基酸等多种活性物质能清除体内垃圾,预防高血压。

5. **改善心血管健康**:纳豆中的皂青素能降低血脂,软化血管,预防高血压和动脉硬化,对心脑血管健康有益。

6. **抗血栓**:纳豆激酶是一种天然的活性酶,具有抗血栓作用,对心脑血管疾病有辅助治疗作用。

7. **防老抗老**:纳豆中含有丰富的维生素E、维生素B6、硒等抗氧化成分,有助于防老抗老。


8. **瘦身减肥**:长期食用纳豆有助于减轻体重,缩小“大肚子”。

9. **清除致癌物质**:纳豆中含有的过氧化物歧化酶、过氧化氢酶、蛋白酶等营养成分可以清除体内的致癌物质,提高记忆力,保护肝脏健康,具有美容养颜的效果。

10. **增强免疫力**:纳豆中的多种营养成分可以增强人体免疫力。



1. **祛风利湿**:接骨木能够祛除体内风湿邪气,对于风湿性关节炎、筋骨疼痛等病症有缓解作用。

2. **活血**:它具有活血化瘀的功效,可以促进血液循环,对于跌打损伤、瘀血疼痛等有治疗作用。

3. **止痛**:接骨木能够缓解疼痛,对于各种疼痛症状,如风湿疼痛、关节痛、跌打损伤后疼痛等,都有一定的止痛效果。

4. **止血**:接骨木对于外伤出血有一定的止血作用。

5. **治疗骨折**:接骨木常用于治疗骨折,有助于骨折愈合。


6. **治疗肾炎水肿**:对于急性或慢性肾炎引起的水肿,接骨木有一定的治疗效果。

7. **治疗创伤出血**:外敷接骨木粉末可以用于创伤出血的处理。

8. **治疗其他疾病**:接骨木还可以用于治疗风疹、痛风、大骨节病等疾病。

– **风湿性关节炎**:将接骨木与白酒一起煎制后外用,或与豆腐一起炖食。
– **跌打损伤**:将接骨木与乳香、赤芍药等药物制成药丸,用于治疗跌打损伤。
– **肾炎水肿**:煎服接骨木与玉米须、车前子等药物的混合煎剂。
– **创伤出血**:外敷接骨木粉末。

– 孕妇不宜服用。


– 脾胃虚弱者慎用。
– 不宜超量使用。
– 接骨木的茎枝、花、叶、根均可入药,但花多用于发汗、利尿。


Liu Youren’s mind exploded with two words left … It’s over.

It’s completely hopeless. No one will take charge of him. Everyone will listen to Lu Xiaoning.
"Master, do you want to go to the dentist’s office?" Aunt Sue asked.
"What else to go?" Liu Youren Huo Ran got up and left.
Lu Xiaoning took a bath, lying comfortably on the bed and applying a mask to his brain to show a three-dimensional effect of chicken structure. Nine stitches are distributed in search of the tenth stitch.
"Miss, miss …"
Shang Lu pao Lou lai
"Sister Angelica dahurica is here."
Lu Xiaoning had to pinch off the composition in his mind. There must be a reason why Angelica dahurica came so late.
Angelica dahurica came and said, "Miss Master went to Wangxiaju tonight to see Lou’s house blocked by Gui’s mother, and then Master went to Jinlanyuan. Master wanted Aunt Su to take charge of her family and told her to give her two assistants. She also asked Aunt Su to go to the dentist to buy some servant girls and come back to sell the existing people and replace them. Aunt Su told him that all these people had signed a long contract to dismiss her, and she would have to pay for it."
Lu Xiaoning sneered, "It’s too late for him to wake up now."
After four months of layout, she finally had a showdown chip with her father.
"handmaiden think master day will go to the old lady" angelica dahurica way.
"Let him go to you regardless of anything" Liu Xiaoning otherwise.
The long-term contract was agreed by my grandmother, and it was really the best way to do it at that time, and all these people could do things seriously after they were recruited. What can my grandmother say to her when she is looking at it?
What if grandma knows her intentions? Grandmother now knows very well that the fate of Lujia is in her hands, and Lujia’s grandparents will not help her father.
If Lujia is a city, then the city has been under her control from the inside out, and now she is waiting for the enemy to give a fatal blow to the confused garrison.
It’s not that she didn’t give her father a chance to be a good father, but it’s a pity that his father fell into the eyes of money, and he was so stubborn that he had to plan for his mother to leave the industry to supplement the murderer, Liu Fanghua.
She said that if someone else does the first day of junior high school, she must do fifteen. Whoever touches her bottom line is bound to turn against her. What’s worse, she is an enemy of life and death.
Angelica dahurica obeyed and went back.
After a while, the evening mist came upstairs again
"Miss, my third uncle sent word that my uncle had taken the medicine boy to Jinling. Please come to Jishi’s satin shop early in the morning."
Lu Xiaoning’s eyes were closed and suddenly opened like the bright stars in the dark night.
It’s finally here! Arrive at the right time
The next day, Lu Xiaoning got up early and rushed to Jishi Silk and Satin Village.
Shopkeeper Sun took her to a house, which was quiet in the middle of the city. The good house was also very spacious and elegant.
"This is the third master’s new house. The third master and the young master have moved here." The shopkeeper Sun said.
"When to move? Why didn’t you tell me? I might as well send some gifts to come over "Liu Xiaoning thin responsibility way.
You have to celebrate when you move to a new house!
The shopkeeper Sun walked over and said, "Master said that this is not moving to a new house, and I don’t know how long I can live here. Besides, he is busy reading, and you are busier. When all the troubles are solved, let’s have dinner together."
"He is really considerate" Liu Xiaoning wry smile way.
"That’s a young master who has always been considerate of others."
Talking to Sun, the shopkeeper took Liu Xiaoning into the drawing room, where hot tea was just served by a big uncle, a third uncle and a cousin who looked familiar came together.
Lu Xiaoning gave gifts to his three uncles and cousins one by one, then stared at the familiar person and said, "You were the one who worked as a medicine boy beside Dr. Hong, right? I remember your name was Zeng Xian."
Zeng Xian’s shame slowly knelt in front of Lu Xiaoning and confessed with tears, "Miss Lu has been in my heart for the first ten years. Every time I think about it, it’s like a nightmare. I’m far away from Jinling and I can forget it with time, but … I can’t forget it all the time, just like a thorn that grows in my heart and hurts when I can’t pull it out …"
Chapter 439 Not worthy to be a healer
Zeng xian v. Ji’s eldest uncle, third uncle and Ji have all been heard, but I still feel indignant after listening to Zeng xian’s narrative again.
Dr. Hong is a cruel and heartless person. He is not a Jinling person. It was difficult at the beginning when he came to Jinling to practice medicine. It was Ji who saw that his medical skills were still poor. He repeatedly went to major pharmacies to apply for jobs and failed, so he asked his Lu family to treat him and introduced him to business. He felt that being a man would always be grateful. Ji believed him very much.
Who knows that he was bought by Lou’s family, which in turn helped Lou’s harm to Ji, which made Ji’s medical treatment more and more serious. Others were narrow-minded and angry, and Ji was unable to breathe until he died.
"Here are two medicines, dregs and prescriptions. One is the dregs left when Mrs. Ji was ill. I saw that Master put a blind flower in the medicine, but I remember that the medicine was included in the prescription. At that time, Master diagnosed Mrs. Ji as qi-deficiency metrorrhagia, which should be used to tonify the middle energizer, replenish qi and stop bleeding. The other is the dregs left when Mrs. Ji invited my master to see a doctor for the last time. At that time, Mrs. Ji was already suffering from deficiency of both qi and blood and coughing for a long time. At this time, it was forbidden to take rehmannia root and angelica root.
"At that time, I was afraid that if Master did such an unconscionable thing, it would come to light, so I secretly left the dregs in case Mrs. Ji couldn’t. On that day, I was ordered by my teacher to go to Master Lu’s house to inform Lou’s family. Unfortunately, a girl saw this, and Lou told my master that my master gave me 12 silvers to leave Jinling. I was also afraid that they would kill people halfway and found a south business caravan to leave Jinling together."
Lu Xiaoning looked at two bags of dried dregs and two prescriptions. It was like hiding a volcano that was about to erupt in his chest. Dr. Hong was a doctor. He didn’t think about how to save lives. Instead, he used his medical skills to kill patients. Does he still have medical ethics? No, he’s not even human. How can he have medical ethics? It’s an animal’s behavior to repay kindness with kindness. Dr. Hong is simply worse than an animal, so he is an animal and insults the animal.
Lu Xiaoning held back his anger and looked at the man with tears in front of him coldly. He was also a doctor, but he watched someone use medical skills to harm others. Whether his painful confession was true or not, whether he was afraid of his teacher’s majesty or getting into trouble, his silence was tantamount to becoming his master’s accomplice. Because of his silence, a koo’s life ended.

"Mr. Wolong’s little man earns money."

It has always been secret to arrange the alien from the four continents to infiltrate into his lower star domain and sell Yanhuang Dan medicine.
It is very risky to engage in the business of selling privately, and they may face life-and-death matters such as being arrested or pursued by foreigners who are greedy at any time.
Before they were selected, they signed a confidentiality agreement and a certificate of life and death, and vowed not to reveal this matter through a contract.
Because Zhuge Liang gave a very rich condition, a bottle of low-level life juice.
The low-level life sap of the demon tree is very helpful to these inferior aliens, and they can have a bottle of low-level life sap every time they come back after completing a day.
If they break the soul card, they will give ten bottles of life juice to the families of the victims, and they will also be taken care of by Yanhuang.
Zhuge Liang is now in a high position, and he wouldn’t have dealt with it himself if it weren’t for the high degree of secrecy.
"You did a good job today."
After counting the harvest, Zhuge Liang praised it lightly
The price of Dan medicine now sold by Yanhuang is generally controlled at 30,000 cents and 100,000 cents, but the private sales channel is several times higher.
In a few days, the Chinese people will ban the sale of Dan medicine and then release the black market news.
I’m afraid I’ll be robbed by the former.
Yanhuang will definitely make another fortune by then!
"In two days, the number of people will be halved. If you don’t participate in the follow-up, you can find Yang Mingwei to get the final salary."
Zhuge Liang ordered a moment and then left.
The emperor needs Zhuge Liang to correct everything when he is closed. He can come over half an hour ago.
"farewell to Mr. Wolong"
Seeing Zhuge Liang leaving a group of foreigners, he respectfully sent him off.
Now that Zhuge Liang is busy, it is a great blessing for him to meet them and elaborate on the details.
But they can keep a small part of these life juices first.
The rest can also be sold out to make a fortune.
Two days later, the purchase boom of Xinghai once again set off a storm.
Because they found that there was no selling channel for Chinese medicine in every star domain!
"You are not selling Yanhuang Dan medicine? Why not! "
After the appearance of Silver Silk Secret Lotus, all races from different planes found one sales channel after another, and almost everyone in the sales channel looked indifferent and turned a blind eye to other people’s purchase requests.
"Nothing is nothing. It’s the same for anyone you look for."
"The Chinese Empire has discovered our selling behavior, and no one dares to sell it to other star fields except Chinese now."
"Do you want Dan medicine to find Yanhuang? We don’t have it here."
"We still want to get along with Yanhuang, eldest brother. You let me go, and I want to make a living by selling medicine."
After being shut out of one channel after another, all the ethnic groups were chilled.
These days, they have analyzed the bought Yanhuang Dan medicine at a high price, and worked out the prescription. The effect of making Dan medicine is 20% better in the market.
In view of the fact that they bought Dan medicine at a high price and produced roots that could not reach the cost.
"What should we do about this? Imitation of the root method of Dan medicine in Yanhuang Empire"
"Silver silk secret lotus and other things need such a pill even if they are equal forces!"
"I’ve heard that Emperor Yanhuang is so easy to make peace with Yanhuang."
"Damn the Chinese Empire, what is the main medicine of these Dan medicines to make it so hard to find a daughter?"
The appearance of the secret lotus of silver silk made some higher aliens decide to make peace with the Chinese people.
Some are ready to report to the family to sign some lower levels of harmony with the Chinese people and make further plans.
There are also some aliens who have already arranged for their envoys to go to the 23rd Star Domain of Yanhuang Empire to discuss the purchase according to the heat and temptation of Dan medicine.
The whole 23 star domain soon set off a wave of foreign forces for peace.
Chapter 56 The Oracle Longpei
"Brother, is this the Chinese Empire?"
After being opposed to Yanhuang for a long time and following the lower plane forces,

Even Tao Yuanheng has gained a lot of experience and inspired him a lot.

It can be said that Yuan Heng, who came to communicate with Nu Wa during this period, has gained unimaginable gains, and if these things are painstakingly understood by Yuan Heng’s own family, tens of thousands of yuan will be penalised, so don’t think about it.
But no matter how beautiful the day is, we can’t stay forever. Don’t forget that Yuan Heng has been out for so long, but neither of the first two goals has been achieved yet.
So I can’t sit still and say goodbye to Nu Wa at last.
"Hehe, it’s really a little sad to stay in Fengqi Mountain for a long time."
Yuan Heng, who brewed the small bottle with that fruit, lamented that he could communicate with him a lot now, but not enough to bear the pressure of his increasingly perfect source.
In-depth communication is naturally to show their respective avenues. If the coercion of the other avenue can’t be completely withstood, how can we fully discuss the road?
Fuxi may be a little worse in the future, but Nu Wa is qualified, and his spirituality is very high. When he talks about Taoism, he can often give him a lot of inspiration, and Yuan Heng’s deep cultivation can also benefit Nu Wa a lot.
This is very rare, plus the two sides have the same personality, which is very rare for like-minded friends.
In addition, when I was in Fengqi Mountain, the environment there was helpful for Yuanheng to understand Yin and Yang Daoism, and it was very comfortable to have Nuwa’s Yin and Yang Daoism.
If possible, he really doesn’t want to leave too early. It’s a pity that Yuan Heng found that as the amount of robbery approached, it seemed to condense a faint ShaQi.
Although there are not many creatures in the universe at this time, these shaqi are not heavy, but there are still
At this time, after a while, he must also perform the duties of the glorious Lord. At that time, it is natural to go back to the Dojo first
Therefore, it is not too much for him to travel in the wild.
But at the end of the day, most of his purpose has not been completed, so naturally he can seize the time.
Xiangyun at this time, Yuanheng was sitting on his plate in Fengqi Mountain for a long time. What he saw and felt was also different. It seems that he didn’t see it for a while. At this time, the vitality of the wilderness became more and more prosperous as the amount of robbery approached.
At this time, Yuan Heng’s primary goal is to find a congenital spiritual root and go back to Lingbaoliu.
Hehe, this time, since Yuan Heng left Fengqi Mountain, I can’t help admiring the pure colored glazed tea tree. This thing is the best choice for these immortals on weekdays. What spiritual fruit flow is weak …
Even this time, Yuan Heng invited Nu Wa to specially design a fragrant fruit wine, which has all kinds of wonderful effects, even for his great ability, long-term drinking can not be ignored;
But at the end of the day, Yuan Heng still thinks that this thing is not as much as the innate tea. This tea is their first choice for such a long-lived immortal.
Therefore, Yuan Heng is determined to find such an innate spirit root that is worth cultivating. The worst thing is to gather enough innate spirit root spirit fruit needed for brewing Wanguo Tianniang, right?
It’s a pity that the 300 yuan meeting after Fengqi Mountain has gained a lot, and it has received a lot of innate spiritual materials with good quality, and there are even two innate magic weapons, one of which is still rare.
Unfortunately, in Yuan Heng’s mind, he was born with spiritual roots.
I didn’t even find the shadow of the congenital spirit root leaves!
However, it is difficult to find the innate spirit root. Yuan Heng has long known that when he was able to find the polar ice crystal fruit tree and the special disposable innate spirit root in one breath, it was already a symbol of human strength.
Looking for innate spiritual roots is related to luck and virtue, and it is also related to cultivating the realm. This is the face of the monk’s naked person. Sometimes it may be that the mixed series has been searching for hundreds of thousands of yuan clubs, but it has failed to find a Jin Xian series master who went out and packed several plants back …
Hehe, of course, it’s a joke, but you can also see something from it
If you can’t find it yourself, you can’t blame others. You can say that your face is too depressed …
Chapter 16 Poison King Mountains
The biggest difference between congenital spiritual root and congenital spiritual treasure and other things is the spiritual word!
Most of these innate Linggen Lingbao are located in the mysterious road, and many pre-gods are the products of an era. Their spirituality is extraordinary like congenital Lingbao, and they contain innate spirituality, and the higher the level of these Lingbao, the higher the spirituality;
It’s a pity that these innate spiritual roots and Lingbao originally had the opportunity to breed into the first heavenly fiend, but the base has become this appearance for various reasons.
And with the passage of time, these innate spiritual treasures will gradually grow up, and in the end, they will be able to form a spiritual treasure!
Some powerful Lingbao Yuanling are not inferior to monks in their spiritual wisdom!