
1. **滋补身体**:松花粉片富含矿物质、微量元素和氨基酸,有助于补充人体所需营养,缓解体虚,增强各器官功能,维持身体健康。

2. **增强免疫力**:松花粉片中的多种营养成分和生物活性物质能够调节免疫功能,增强机体抵抗力,预防感冒等疾病。

3. **预防癌症**:松花粉片含有硒和内黄酮等天然抗癌成分,能够抑制细胞癌变,阻止癌细胞滋生繁殖,增强人体抗癌能力。

4. **美容护肤**:松花粉片富含多种维生素和抗氧化物质,有助于改善皮肤状况,延缓衰老。

5. **调节内分泌**:松花粉片对女性内分泌失调、痛经、更年期等症状有调节作用,同时也能改善男性前列腺问题。

6. **改善消化功能**:松花粉片中的维生素B1和酶类成分有助于刺激消化酶的产生,增加食欲,改善消化功能和肠功能。

7. **保护心脑血管**:松花粉片中的营养成分有助于保护心脑血管,降低血压,预防中风和心肌梗死。

8. **调节情绪**:松花粉片中的多种营养成分有助于调节情绪,缓解压力。

9. **止血、祛风祛湿**:松花粉片具有一定的止血、祛风祛湿作用,适用于皮肤创口出血、湿疹等症状。

10. **辅助治疗多种疾病**:松花粉片对胃脘痛、眩晕、皮肤溃疡、关节炎等多种疾病有辅助治疗作用。

11. **促进生长发育**:松花粉片中的营养成分有助于促进生长发育,增加肌肉组织,减少脂肪组织。

12. **改善记忆和学习能力**:松花粉片有助于改善记忆力和学习能力。

13. **保护视力**:松花粉片中的营养成分有助于保护眼视网膜,预防视力下降。

14. **延缓衰老**:松花粉片中的抗氧化物质有助于延缓衰老过程。




1. **润肺止咳**:中医认为杏仁具有润肺、止咳、散结等功效,对于治疗咳嗽、声带不适、咽喉问题有一定的帮助。现代研究也表明,杏仁中的有效成分可以缓解咳嗽症状。

2. **润肠通便**:杏仁含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善便秘问题。


3. **调节血脂**:杏仁中含有丰富的黄酮类和多酚类成分,有助于降低人体内胆固醇的含量,从而降低心脏病和多种慢性病的发病风险。

4. **美容护肤**:杏仁中的维生素E有助于抗氧化,促进皮肤微循环,使皮肤红润光泽,具有美容养颜的作用。

5. **抗肿瘤作用**:苦杏仁中含有一种生物活性物质——苦杏仁苷,具有抗肿瘤作用,可以进入血液专杀癌细胞,对健康细胞无害。

6. **补充营养**:杏仁富含蛋白质、微量元素和维生素,是素食者补充蛋白质和重要矿物质的良好来源。


7. **补充能量**:杏仁含有较高的热量,对于运动员或需要快速补充能量的人来说,是一个不错的选择。

8. **保护心脏**:杏仁中的单不饱和脂肪酸和维生素E有助于控制血液中的胆固醇含量,具有抗氧化功能,对心脏健康有益。

9. **调节血压**:杏仁富含钾,低钠,有助于控制血压波动,调节血压。


10. **预防糖尿病**:杏仁可以调节葡萄糖的分解和吸收,有助于降低糖尿病的发病风险。



1. **丰富蛋白质来源**:木耳和鸡蛋都含有高蛋白,其中鸡蛋的蛋白质属于优质蛋白,对肝脏组织损伤有修复作用,同时鸡蛋中的卵磷脂、甘油三酯等对神经系统和身体发育有利。

2. **补血养颜**:木耳含有大量的胶原蛋白和铁元素,能够养血助炎,使肌肤红润,预防缺铁性贫血,而鸡蛋中的铁元素也能帮助补血。

3. **滋阴补肾**:木耳入肾经,可以滋补肾阴,而鸡蛋中的某些成分也有助于补肾。

4. **增强免疫力**:木耳和鸡蛋中都含有维生素以及蛋白质等营养成分,能够补充体内所需的能量,从而提高免疫力和抵抗力。


5. **抗氧化和防癌**:木耳含有丰富的维生素E和抗氧化物质,能够清除自由基,抗脂质过氧化,有助于防癌抗癌。鸡蛋中的某些微量元素,如硒、锌等,也具有防癌作用。

6. **促进消化**:木耳中含有丰富的纤维素和一种特殊的植物胶原,这两种物质能促进胃肠蠕动,防止便秘。

7. **软化血管和降低胆固醇**:木耳有软化血管的功效,同时搭配鸡蛋食用有助于促进血液循环,降低体内胆固醇含量,预防动脉粥样硬化。

8. **护肝**:鸡蛋中的卵磷脂、甘油三酯等成分对肝脏组织损伤有修复作用,而木耳也有一定的护肝效果。

9. **益智作用**:鸡蛋中的DHA和卵磷脂等成分对神经系统和身体发育有重要作用,有助于避免智力衰退。

10. **改善发质和面色**:木耳和鸡蛋中的营养成分有助于改善发质,使面色红润有光泽,淡化色斑。



1. **丰富的营养成分**:木瓜奶中不仅包含了木瓜中的营养成分,如维生素A、B族维生素、维生素C以及铁、钙、有机酸、纤维素等,还有牛奶中的蛋白质、钙质、钾、磷、镁等多种矿物质。

2. **促进消化吸收**:木瓜中含有丰富的木瓜酶,这是一种蛋白酶,能够帮助分解蛋白质,促进食物的消化和吸收,对于消化系统不佳的人群尤其有益。



3. **美容养颜**:木瓜奶中的维生素C是天然的抗氧化剂,能够有效地预防感冒,并阻止致癌物质亚硝胺的合成。同时,牛奶中的维生素A和钙质有助于保持皮肤的白皙和光滑。


4. **丰胸效果**:根据一些资料,木瓜中的木瓜酶被认为有助于乳腺发育,而牛奶中的营养成分则有助于补充营养,因此木瓜奶有时被用作丰胸的天然方法。不过,这种效果因人而异,并非对所有人都有明显效果。

5. **增强免疫力**:木瓜奶中的维生素C能提高人体免疫力,帮助预防疾病。

6. **抗衰老**:木瓜奶中的维生素A和维生素C都是抗氧化剂,有助于减缓衰老过程。

7. **通乳作用**:木瓜中的乳凝酶被认为有通乳作用,对产后需要增加奶水的母亲有帮助。

8. **强壮骨骼**:牛奶中的钙质有助于强壮骨骼,预防骨质疏松。

– 木瓜性质偏寒,对于胃寒或体质寒凉的人群,过量食用可能会导致腹胀、腹泻等症状。
– 长期大量食用木瓜奶可能会引起体内热盛,阴虚内热者应避免。



1. **减肥降脂**:普洱茶中的茶多酚可以抑制体内胆固醇和甘油三酯的上升,促进脂类化合物从体内排出,改善毛细血管壁的弹性,对防治动脉硬化、高血压及肥胖具有重要作用。

2. **养胃护胃**:普洱茶进入人体后,能在胃的表层形成一层保护膜,对胃起到有益的保护作用。长期饮用对胃寒、胃痛等胃部不适有缓解作用。

3. **防癌抗癌**:普洱茶中含有的茶多酚对癌细胞有抑制作用,甚至低浓度的普洱茶也有明显的抗癌效果。

4. **降压**:普洱茶能舒张血管,降低血压,减慢心率和脑部血流量,对于高血压患者有良好的辅助治疗作用。

5. **健牙护齿**:普洱茶中的生理活性成分具有杀菌消毒作用,可以去除口腔异味,保护牙齿。

6. **消除便秘**:普洱茶中的单宁有收敛作用,可促进肠道活动,帮助消化和通便。

7. **美容养颜**:普洱茶能调节新陈代谢,促进血液循环,使体内机能自然平衡,具有美容效果。


8. **抗辐射**:研究表明,饮用普洱茶可以解除钴60辐射引起的伤害。

9. **暖胃**:普洱茶对于胃寒的人群有暖胃作用。

10. **改善心血管健康**:普洱茶中的茶多酚等成分能促进纤溶、抗血栓形成,有助于防治冠心病。



1. **预防血栓**:文旦含有丰富的抗氧化成分,能够预防血栓的形成,减少血小板的凝集,对于预防脑血栓和中风等疾病有一定的帮助。

2. **降血糖**:文旦含有类似胰岛素的物质,可以调节血糖水平,对高血糖人群尤其有益。

3. **预防癌症**:文旦中含有的维生素C和多种氨基酸能够排出体内毒素,减少癌细胞的生成,具有防癌抗癌的功效。

4. **促进消化**:文旦含有多种酸性成分,可以促进消化液的分泌,加快肠胃对食物的消化和吸收,对消化不良和食少腹胀等症有缓解作用。

5. **止咳平喘**:文旦皮中含有桂花油和芳香类物质,能消除肺与气管中的炎症,扩张气管,缓解咳嗽气喘症状。


6. **消炎化痰**:文旦皮具有消炎作用,含有生物碱等成分,能够减轻炎症,有助于化痰。

7. **清热化痰**:中医认为文旦具有清热化痰的功效,适合用于治疗咳嗽、痰多等症状。

8. **健脾消食**:文旦有助于改善脾胃功能,促进消化吸收。

9. **解酒除烦**:文旦有助于解酒,减轻酒后不适。

10. **散寒燥湿**:文旦具有散寒燥湿的作用,适合湿寒体质的人群食用。

11. **美肤养容**:文旦富含维生素C和类胰岛素,有助于降血糖、降血脂,对美肤养容有一定的帮助。


12. **利湿作用**:文旦叶具有利湿作用,可以用于治疗湿病。




1. **理气止痛**:承山穴可以调理气机,缓解各种疼痛症状,如小腿抽筋、疼痛、腰椎疾病导致的下肢放射痛等。


2. **舒筋活络**:承山穴能够舒展筋骨,活络血脉,对于筋骨疾病如腓肠肌痉挛、坐骨神经痛、膝痛、脚痛等有显著疗效。


3. **消痔**:承山穴对于痔疮、脱肛、肛周瘙痒等肛周疾病有很好的治疗作用,这是由于足太阳膀胱经与肛门有密切的联系。

4. **治疗便秘**:承山穴可以调理肠道,对于便秘等肠道疾病有一定的治疗效果。

5. **缓解疲劳**:由于承山穴位于小腿,是小腿筋、骨、肉的结合点,承受着身体的重量,因此按压承山穴可以缓解肌肉紧张,减轻疲劳感。

6. **治疗颈肩腰腿痛**:承山穴是治疗颈肩腰腿痛的常用穴位,对于急性颈扭伤、急性腰扭伤、肩周炎、腓肠肌痉挛等疾病有很好的疗效。


7. **增强体质**:承山穴的按压和针灸可以增强身体抵抗力,预防疾病。


The first Tianbao was born with the original Baoyuan spirit, and with the passage of time, they were able to grow up slowly through practice. They were born with the care of the avenue, and they were born with the strength of the earth and easily ran over the monk Luo Jinxian!

After several years of practice, it is comparable to Daozu!
Speaking of Yuan Heng’s two extremely innate spiritual treasures, in fact, the spirituality has already grown up rapidly with the increasing diligence of Yuan Heng’s realm. It is not far away to achieve Yuan Ling Day!
Compared with innate Lingbao, spirituality in innate spiritual roots is more powerful!
In the innate spiritual roots, except those born by innate ghosts and gods, the descendants are natural ghosts and gods, just like Sumi Mountain’s quasi-spiritual wisdom is natural, and other innate spiritual roots are not inferior.
We don’t know how many innate spiritual roots there are in heaven and earth, but it’s conceivable, but it’s definitely not too many, maybe just a little more than congenital Lingbao.
However, we want a white innate spirit root, but there is no innate spirit treasure, which is not easy to be immortal and can be destroyed!
Only in this way can we intuitively feel that innate spiritual roots will be so cherished!
Moreover, these innate spiritual roots have one of the biggest characteristics, which is also the biggest factor in the destruction and fall of these innate spiritual roots!
That is, every innate spiritual root has spiritual wisdom stronger than innate spiritual treasure, so their greatest wish in their hearts is to shed weight and shape their bodies!
It can be said that it is not a small amount to fall into this innate spirit root, but once it succeeds, the reward will be considerable
If you can successfully step through this pass, you can touch the Ganges River in one fell swoop by virtue of the accumulated heritage over the years to achieve the deity of Da Luo as a congenital great avatar!
Unfortunately, this is really too difficult!
It is also because the innate spirit root is too high, so it is difficult to find the innate spirit root with the ability to grasp the secret.
**** *w*w*w**** ***o*m
Of course, if they can really be met by Yuan Heng, the first celestial fiend, it is actually the chance of these innate spiritual roots. With the care of the first celestial fiend, they can concentrate on their practice without being disturbed, and there are usually these great gods to shelter and guide their practice, which is also a great source of happiness.
And these innate spiritual roots actually mean that after losing some of them, they can suppress a fate by the way, which can be described as mutual benefit
Unfortunately, the innate spirit root is actually as arrogant as the first heavenly fiend, and many people prefer to practice alone rather than entrust others with their wings.
This has also caused many creatures to find these innate spiritual roots.
The poison king mountain range is located in the south of the central Zhoushan mountain range.
In fact, the area of the vast central area is much smaller than that of the vast square area of the vast mainland, but sometimes the area does not mean anything.
Not to mention that the central land sits on this pillar of heaven and earth, Zhoushan, which directly occupies a whole 10% of the fate of the universe, and the resources and products contained in it are actually not inferior to other four areas, which can be called concentration is the essence representative
Among them, Zhoushan Mountain naturally contains the most abundant natural materials and treasures, and even the innate Lingbao may have bred several pieces, but all kinds of innate magic weapons are even more unknown.
Unfortunately, these are all Yuanheng dishes.
At this time, there are several great talents in Zhoushan Mountain Range, even if there is something good in it, it is estimated that most of them have been searched, and those innate spiritual roots?
To tell you the truth, Yuan Heng doesn’t really recognize that there is a congenital spiritual root in it. Even if there is one, it is taken by someone, just like the glazed tea tree that Yuan Heng envied for a long time …
After all, congenital spiritual roots often choose to practice in a secluded place unless Yuan Heng first met polar ice crystal fruit trees, which just gave birth to the situation that Linghui was not high soon and there was no sense of security.
Or that kind of attribute is naturally suitable for those celestial fiends who belong to the type of symbiosis and win-win with double swords, so that they can choose their own masters.
Yu xiantianbao?
Forget it. I know it’s a delusion to find this thing there without looking for Yuan Heng!
When I left the Zhoushan boundary, Yuan Heng had some words. According to my previous life, I should be considered a traveler, right?
Those who have also made a fortune in Zhoushan are born with a lot of treasures, and even Tianbao can find three or two things. Compared with themselves, Gao Fushuai can be regarded as a dwarf, right?
Hehe, with this strange idea, Yuan Heng went straight to the poison holy land that Nu Wa said-the poison king mountain range!
Since the birth of Xian Tianbao, not only have great magical powers comparable to those of the Yuan Dynasty, Luo Jinxian and Tao Zuliu, but their responsibilities are also quite heavy, and they need to suppress each corner of the world.
Yuzhou Mountain Range?
That’s Zhoushan territory. Zhoushan body is almost equivalent to several pieces of Tianbao Weineng. I still don’t want to.
The poison king mountain range is one of the most dangerous areas in the central region, and the degree of danger in this place can be directly discharged into the top three!
According to Nu Wa, the environment here is full of great deities, so they are qualified to take risks here. They are in this vast territory, and a mountain range is widely spread.
Moreover, it is very rare to be remembered by several great powers and to maintain its own mystery.
It is said that during the Taiyi period, several celestial demons discovered that this area was accidentally involved, and even if it was the shortest, it was trapped for hundreds of yuan, and it would last for thousands of yuan.
It can be described as quite awkward.
And this is due to the lack of in-depth reasons of these first deities. It is said that at the core, it threatens the life ability of the God of Pick.
I’m afraid they’ll have to pay a lot of price if it weren’t for the fact that the first day fiend’s biological ability is a mess and just resisted the biggest threat here-the ubiquitous terrorist toxin.
The most important thing is that if it weren’t for the strong sense of danger and the ability to calculate the secret, it would be possible to find the right way and avoid the dangers in the core area. It is estimated that those people may still be in the cat now …
Therefore, since then, this poison king mountain range has become famous among the first heavenly fiends in the central land.
Gee, it’s quite rare for a place that can really threaten the first heavenly fiend in the middle of nowhere.
Danger, that also represents opportunity!
A long time ago, Nu Wa and Fuxi, two brothers and sisters, once joined hands to break in. Unfortunately, although they gained a lot of congenital treasures.
However, at the core, I still can’t open the core to them. In addition to my life-saving ability, I can be called abnormal Nuwa. I have to declare failure in the middle and get out.
"eh? Sure enough, it can actually erode the eternal immobile body. It’s really a poisonous sacred place. It’s really terrible! "
Yuan Heng was surprised to see that filar silk colorful smoke touched Yuan Heng Bai through the body surface. This is a very terrible poisonous fog. He is really quite dangerous!
The surge of body mana has increased the support of the eternal immobile true Hui body and directly expelled the poison of the invading body.
The practitioner of Poison Avenue is a rather remote avenue in the middle of the wild-few gods and demons are interested in it except a few who have inherited it from nature.

Yuan Hengyi reacted. At this time, he could not help but shake his head and smile. "So that’s it!"

It’s a little troublesome for these two brothers and sisters to create a race on their own roads. What’s worse, they create a race together?
Fuxi, let’s not talk about it. Where did this guy major in avenue before?
This guy’s heart is higher than the sky. He wants to make a road by himself. What he has learned is too complicated. He is bent on creating his own road. Naturally, there is nothing to say.
It’s not easy for Nu Wa to create a race, and it’s not easy to follow the road of nature practiced by Nu Wa.
Although Yuanheng’s eternal glory road is as difficult and obscure as the Tao of Nature in its basic part, it is not a simple matter to carry it out to the race the day after tomorrow.
As we all know, the gods created their own races first, and then these races carried out their respective avenues. It is impossible for practitioners to practice this avenue completely at once, right?
It is also possible to start from a certain angle and a certain meaning of this avenue, which is also what many ancestors are happy to see. With these practices, the realm of spiritual cultivation on their avenue will grow, and their harvest will naturally become more and more perfect.
When you want to create these life, it is time to test them as creators.
The more mysterious and powerful the cultivation avenue is, the higher the difficulty will naturally be.
Here, Nu Wa is naturally a tragedy. Yuan Heng created Zixiao, the Eldar, the afterlife, the ghost protoss, the Sakya …
These top fiends are based on their own control of their own avenues. Although it took a lot of effort, they are still quite smooth on the whole.
But it won’t work when you get to Nu Wa. Her control over the Avenue of Nature is far less than that of other top-level celestial demons!
How do you say "The Way of Nature"? That’s enough to be discharged into the top five super highways in Zhutian Avenue. The source is vast, mysterious and unpredictable, and it’s hard for Nu Wa, an only child, to create a race.
This is different from Yuan Heng and others who are so creative and strong. The characteristic is that they have high control over their respective avenues, and even chaotic avenues can be honestly at their feet. This is the gap!
Yuan Heng was able to get the Eldar out directly in a short time after he achieved his goal.
"So that’s it, but you’re not in a hurry. Maybe it’s better to be late …"
Yuan Heng nodded thoughtfully and thought clearly, but thoughts flashed through his heart.
Later, joining hands with Fuxi may be able to create a race with great potential. "This is the holy water of nature that my brother got when he traveled in the wild, so I will give it to you."
I took the teapot, filled half of the rest of the holy water in the small world of Genesis, and handed it to Nuwa.
The holy water of nature is a treasure of nature, which is of great significance to Nu Wa. Whether to take the opportunity to realize or to create racial creatures in the future is a precious thing.
It’s not that Yuan Heng is stingy. This holy water of nature will also have great advantages in the future. After all, this thing is not common.
"Divine water?"
Nu Wa shook her head, but this is a sacred object of nature, which is higher than the three lights of water and nine days of rest land. So a series of precious spiritual objects is more precious to Nu Wa than a congenital spiritual treasure!
It’s not impossible for Nu Wa to find a treasure that is predestined friends with her, even though it’s her luck and merits over the years. However, it’s very natural for her to find the holy water. Don’t even listen to it!
Nu Wa, the only person in charge of the Tao of Nature in the wild, is so hard to find for the geo-law of nature.
Even now, Nu Wa still doubts whether the wilderness has created a natural place. After all, this place is so precious that it is comparable to a treasure for people.
For Nu Wa, who is proficient in nature, nature is more precious than a treasure.
It’s … a success!
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Chapter 15 Fuyuan broad nuwa god (2)
Hehe, give Nu Wa a plug-in to further strengthen Nu Wa’s great god, and it is bound to become a goddess who respects the fortune and merits of Saint Gao Deren ———————————————————————————————————————.
Nu Wa looked at this thing and took a deep breath. Although it would be a big cause and effect to accept this thing, it was just some good karma. She also believed that Yuan Heng was a glorious Lord.
"Ha ha, that’s right. Direct charge is that you have already called me eldest brother, haven’t you? So which still need diagnosis … "
Yuan Heng nodded with a smile. The fact that he and Nu Wa met is so wonderful. He firmly believes that it is a blessing for him to make friends with Nu Wa. Maybe he helped each other today. How do you know that he doesn’t need each other’s help someday?
"And this is the specific information of nature. If you have something to say in the future, go there and have a look."
"Although most of the water there was collected by my brother, every drop can be produced in the future, but it is also a chance!"
"And that place is an extremely special and huge secret. Even my brother didn’t explore it at that time. Now it’s quite strange to think about it carefully, so I deliberately avoided it!"
"According to my brother, it is speculated that there is a mystery in the deeper land. If you enter there, you’d better be careful."
Nu Wa looked at Yuan Heng’s face with a keen look, and carefully told her that her heart was naturally touched. This is the long road ahead, and she will cut the thorns with her shawl. How lucky is God for her?
Being able to have a twin brother who was born together and supported each other can also support each other and make friends …
There are many kinds of causes and effects, although it is not good to rush to cause and effect, even if it is good karma and good cause.
Once this good cause is established in the future, if the two sides become enemies, it is likely to seize the original good cause.
Very proficient in cause and effect, able to seize this cause and effect conveniently, and take action every time!
But sometimes the parties don’t care.
This situation can be divided into two aspects.
One is that people who are not causal. They can’t see this deep change and naturally don’t care what kind of people bite the hand that feeds them.
Another kind of nature is that both sides of cause and effect are powerful, but they believe in each other’s moral quality very much. They think that even if their friendship fades one day, it will not affect it.
It doesn’t matter that Nu Wa is blessed with holy water, but it’s much more serious in this nature place.
The secret land was won by Yuan Heng from Luo Ou, and it was also his first discovery. Even if he completely occupied the secret land and completely closed it, no one would object. Even if he told Luo Ou that there was an accident, Luo Ou could hold his nose and recognize it.
So in fact, since Yuan Heng has left a breath there, its first ownership is naturally Yuan Heng’s.
Nowadays, Yuan Heng will give Nuwa this cause and effect, which is quite natural. What’s more, the secret place can be more than just as simple as an accident.
Therefore, the cause and effect of Yuan Heng and Nu Wa are not small.
But for both sides at this time, they don’t care!
Although Nu Wa and Yuan Heng have not known each other for a long time, sometimes their fate is so mysterious, but their friendship is unexpectedly deep in a short time.
This Yuanheng has no nostalgia for sending these precious things directly to Nu Wa!
Speaking of Yuan Heng and Nuwa Fuxi, their fate is really quite deep!
Yuanheng broke through a big bottleneck of Yin-Yang Road here and the specific practice method will be of great help to the future impact on Hunyuan Avenue.
And Nu Wa and Fuxi’s enlightenment keys are actually in Yuan Heng’s place, which can say that the fact is so wonderful and actually here, Yuan Heng’s heart can’t help secretly praising Nu Wa, who is definitely the most powerful fiend in their first days. One fiend is definitely not himself! Otherwise, I am willing to send a thing comparable to a congenital baby to Nu Wa? Suppressing the colorful light to that place is not particularly hidden, and even Luo Wei knows this place, but not everyone can find the place of nature! At the beginning, Yuan Heng was also a coincidence. Once again, even now he is holding the peak of pick, he can’t help but find it.
After a hundred Yuan meetings, Yuan Heng finally couldn’t sit still, although his friendship with Nu Wa has become increasingly deep over the years, and he can usually get a lot of gains from discussing with her, especially the Yin-Yang Road, which made Yuan Heng sort out a set of comprehension skills and methods and put this road on the right track.
Not only that, Yuan Heng will initially integrate his own understanding into his own avenue, believing that he will create his own secret method to break into the mixed state just around the corner, and then he will be able to name himself as he did in his previous life.
At that time, every great power who practices his own secret method and enters the realm of mixed elements will owe himself a cause and effect, and it will also add a lot of luck and even make himself look higher. This is a good thing for Yuan Heng, who has no reason not to do it.

Li Yanran took out a small flying boat and said, "If you want to ride a horse, I don’t mind if I take a flying boat! Is he going to ride a horse or take a flying boat with me? "

Zhao Xiaocai immediately had the cheek to follow the flying boat, who made the flying boat more comfortable than riding a horse!
The magic weapon of flying boat, Zhao Xiaocai, has long been greedy, but the price is too high. He can’t afford to temporarily put away his mind and buy one when he has money.
Li Yanran laughed at a few words of Zhao Xiaocai regardless of a line of people so set out toward the west lancheng!
This time, Yan Huang was relieved that she didn’t send someone to protect Li Yanran. Let her go alone with Zhao Xiaocai!
Don’t look at Li Jie, who is usually like a bitter melon and a penance, but this old divination is not simple!
"How did Brother Gao Qiu hook up with the Fifth Princess?"
Gao Qiu laughed. "I don’t know! They have been so close since I met my eldest brother! "
"Haha, I can’t see that big brother’s picking up girls is still quite powerful, even Yan Huang’s daughter has taken it!" Li Jie, lewd, swinging laughed
Gao Qiu language didn’t expect that he didn’t talk much at ordinary times. Master Li Jie was so abnormal that any words could be said from his mouth!
Zhan Han laughed. "Brother Li heard that Huei-fang is also very beautiful. Do you think we should tell Brother to help you set up a bridge?"
Li Jiebai took a look at Zhan Han. This is not a play to abuse him!
Although he is a master of dzogchen in Yuan’s infancy, he is not young. He is over 200 years old, saying that he is also a princess. How can he be respected?
Although he is a little handsome, he is also an uncle in front of Huei Fang. He doesn’t want to be called a pervert!
"Yeah yeah! I think Li Dage although you are doddering, it’s more than enough to match the four princesses. "Several of them joked.
Li Jie unconsciously touched his face as if he were not old! How can you be senile!
Ignore these guys and just shut up Chatting with them, he is the target of gang attacks. Who makes him strong and has no temper? He is still the oldest!
Compared with Wang Du, Xilan City is a world of difference. Don’t be different from Zhao Xiaocai’s imagination.
The area is not one-third that of Wangdu, but the street sanitation is really flattering. That’s a mess!
Zhao Xiaocai can smell the stench when walking in Xilancheng Street. These are the results of neglect of management at ordinary times!
He also said that the situation in West Lancheng is complicated, and the forces of all parties are mixed. I didn’t expect that even a health care might be bad. No wonder Yan Huang didn’t trust West Lancheng.
Li Yanran laughed. "You don’t want my father to forget it because of these. It’s also white to say it now, and you will know it yourself! And be careful not to know when someone killed you. "
Li Yanran, this is not to scare him, but the former castellans are living examples!
On the one hand, the reason why the sanitation of Xilan City is so poor is that the duke lacks no one to grasp this piece.
On the other hand, those explorers who go to Yanyang Mountain don’t pay attention to hygiene when they come to the street to set up stalls.
Those adventurers, who are all temporary stalls, are unwilling to sell what they get to shops, and naturally there is a lot of chaos
Zhao Xiaocai came to the Lord’s Mansion and almost criticized the Lord’s Mansion. It’s not even as good as slums
Due to years of disrepair, the Lord’s Mansion has long been dilapidated. It should be luxurious and the Lord’s Mansion should be like a dangerous house. Everyone feels uneasy!
Zhao Xiaocai didn’t feel afraid at this moment that the situation in Silan City was much more complicated than he thought!
I can’t live in the dilapidated city hall. I can find an inn to live in and transfer Zhao Xiaocai to the hotel first, regardless of whether it is formal or not!
At that time, all the streets and alleys of Xilan City knew that Xilan City had a new Lord again!
Everyone has speculated how long the new owner of Xilan City will live this time. Some people even bet on how many months Zhao Xiaocai can live.
Zhao Xiaocai was so angry when he learned about this that he didn’t take him seriously! I am secretly determined to vigorously rectify the public security problem in Xilan City!
Zhao Xiaocai, who took over Xilan City, had few people but he brought someone. Zhao Xiaocai, the chief guard of Xilan City, was removed.
Those people didn’t keep it. They have long been used to a lazy life. If you expect them to help you manage Silan City, you will be gone in three days!
Let Gao Qiu post a recruiting revelation and then send a notice to let the leaders of the major forces in Silan City meet him at the inn.
If he wants to manage Silan City well, he still needs to have a little contact with these local strongmen, or he will be afraid that blind action will have little effect!
What annoys Zhao Xiaocai is that these forces don’t buy his account. Some have sent a small leader, but even people are too lazy to send him.
Zhao Xiaocai is furious. Even several people, including Li Jie and Gao Qiu, have expressed their views to suppress and kill several arrogant forces by direct force. See if they dare to look down on people!
Although angry, Zhao Xiaocai knows that you can’t be impulsive, you have to think twice before you do anything, or he hasn’t killed others yet, so unite and kill him first!
He really didn’t think that these forces in Silan City were so arrogant. No wonder Yan Huang had such a headache here. At this time, he was afraid that it was not Yan Huang who didn’t want to take care of it, but he had the heart!
Let Gao Qiu and others find out the details of these forces and see what masters are in charge and then decide what to do!
Chapter 69 woo
Chapter 69 woo
Looking at Zhao Xiaocai’s anger, Li Yanran felt Japanese. I didn’t expect Zhao Xiaocai to be used to arrogance and bullying, and sometimes he was not bought by people!
"How to know now have a headache! Does it feel very powerful? " Li Yanran laughed.
"Hum, no one can drive me to that point. Sooner or later, these forces will get rid of them one by one. Silan City can have a sound, that is, I speak to Zhao Xiaocai." Zhao Xiaocai nu way.
If you don’t outbursts, you really treat him as a sick cat. These people don’t know his tricks yet. Let them be arrogant for a while. If you dare to be arrogant with him, he will let everyone know that Zhao Xiaocai is the arrogant ancestor!
Zhao Xiaocai decided to form an army, no matter what Yan Huang thought. Only when he had his own strength can he suppress and oppose other voices!
Moreover, he has also set up a private escort of 500 people in his territory in Silan City.
First, lure some experts with high salaries, and then sign contracts. With unified constraints, he is not afraid of being betrayed by others.
"Gao Qiu posted a notice to recruit the duke’s guards for me. The minimum requirement is to build a base in dzogchen," Zhao Xiaocai said with a ferocious face.
Tong has long required that the repair department of his hand must have the repair of Tsukiji dzogchen after one year.
He doesn’t want to invest in training talents. He might as well recruit people who meet the requirements directly, which will save him a lot of trouble.
Gao Qiu himself misheard the master of dzogchen in the foundation period, so how much salary! And people may not be willing to come to work for you if you are afraid of spending money!
Even if I can barely recruit some people, I’m afraid I can’t bear it. Big Brother is just a fantasy!
Li Yanran also can’t believe I heard Zhao Xiaocai crazy!
During the foundation period, the Manchu people were afraid of joining other people’s forces long ago. If you want to dig people, aren’t you afraid of mixing in other forces to spy?
Li Jie dissuaded, "eldest brother should not be rash!" If you really do this, I’m afraid you won’t be able to recruit people, and there will be a laughing stock in Sillan City! "
"That’s right. Regardless of whether you have so many Lingshi, aren’t you afraid of spies mixing into your escort?" Li Yanran also opposed Zhao Xiaocai words!
Zhao Xiaocai smiled and said, "I have my own opinion that you should recruit people to mix with spies. Since they want to send me a head, I won’t be polite!"
He is most afraid of mixing spies, catching one and killing the other to see if they dare to send them!
Yu said that he was afraid that they would attack Zhao Xiaocai, but he had a plan. He had already thought about everything.
For these forces, draw in a batch and kill a batch of differentiation. When he is strong, it will be too late for these people to react. It is not easy for him to control Silan City!
"Give me the details of the major forces in Xilan City and I will do something!" Zhao Xiaocai laughed
Now that you have decided to do it, you can’t procrastinate. If something happens again, it will be bad!
Arrange for Zhan Han to take 20 newly refined extremely cultured Yuan Dan to Wangdu to find Xingyuan auction house to help get rid of it. No one can make him short of money.
He can easily cope with the situation of Xilan City with Li Jie, a master of infant dzogchen. I didn’t expect that there were many hidden masters in Xilan City, even the old monsters in the deification period.
If Xiaorui hadn’t told him that his temper would have been at war with others!
Zhao Xiaocai’s recruitment is like throwing a stone into a calm lake. All major forces laugh at him for overreaching!
Green gang chamber wang kaohsiung laughed, "do you think this new duke is stupid? I didn’t bring my own people and actually wanted to recruit temporarily! "
"Hehe gang mainly doesn’t want us to send a few brothers in to see if we can get some benefits first?" Deputy Wang Li Hu laughed
Several hall lords echoed and laughed. "Yes, we can send people to blend in first and then slowly eat him. It’s so interesting to kill him directly!"
This scene is not only green gang, but also the idea that almost all the earth forces in West Lancheng play!
If the new owner is directly destroyed, it will still be a little troublesome if Yan Huang sends someone to investigate it.
If we slowly nibble away the power of the new duke and then control him, it will save the Empress Yan from sending someone to manage Xilan City!
They did a good job, and each wanted to control the new Lord one step ahead of others.